Parish “Goings On” and Upcoming Events
My Dear Parishioners,
We are so blessed to call St. Joseph’s home. We really and truly are one of the friendliest and most beautiful parishes in our Archdiocese. This week, I am writing about some updates on parish “goings on” and upcoming events.
As some of you already know, we now have a new Coordinator of Religious Education. Mrs. Danielle Staffieri has graciously accepted the position. Danielle and her family have been parishioners for 10 years. Her own children went through our CCD program. She also generously gave her time as a catechist for many years. So, Danielle is already very familiar with the program. We thank her for saying yes. We promise her our support as she and our catechists continue to teach our children about Jesus and His Love for us.
We extend our best wishes to our outgoing Coordinator of Religious Education, Mr. James Ness. James guided our program over the past year and did very well. Unfortunately, because of increased demands from his other employment and his growing family, he has had to resign. Of course, James is always welcome at our friendly parish of St. Joseph’s, and we hope to see him again.
Now for updates on some upcoming events: This weekend we have Hospitality Sunday and blood pressure screenings. We are hoping to have them regularly on the first weekend of the month. This offers a great opportunity to connect, or reconnect, with each other over a cup of coffee or tea, with a donut or bagel, and with a quick blood pressure check from our nurses.
We thank the members of our hospitality committee and our nurses’ committee for suggesting that we have these monthly Hospitality Sundays with blood pressure screenings. I also encourage everyone to consider getting involved with these great groups.
This weekend is also our food drive benefiting the Warminster Food Bank. We thank all who support and coordinate this very important outreach to the poor in our local community.
Our Forty Hours is October 13, 14, and 15. Fr. Christopher Picollo is our homilist this year. Devotions with Benediction will be at 6:00 each evening. Tuesday evening will be joined by our CCD children and their families. At the end of Tuesday evening’s devotions, there will be refreshments in the Hall. All are welcome and encouraged to spend some quality time with Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament.
Sign-up sheets for Forty Hours will be available at all Masses starting this weekend.
Local radio host and Catholic Evangelist Kathleen McCarthy will be with us on Thursday, November 7. She will share with us her love for the Most Holy Eucharist. All are welcome and please bring your friends!
Our St. Joseph Christmas Bazaar is scheduled for Sunday, December 8. As always, it will be a fun time for all of us and our neighbors. Please spread the word.
New for this year, we will be having a Christmas Concert, yes a Christmas Concert, in our Hall on Friday, December 13. More details to come.
Lastly, two weekends ago I was blessed to tour our new Seminary. As many of you know, St. Charles Borromeo Seminary has relocated to a new campus on the grounds of Gwynedd Mercy University in Lower Gwynedd—only about 20 minutes from us. I was impressed by what I saw and by the spirit of the seminarians. I thank all who have supported the Seminary and its move to its new location. I also encourage all to mark their calendars and to attend an Open House at the new Seminary on Sunday, October 13. I believe that you too will be impressed by what you see and the spirit of the seminarians. The invitation on the Seminary’s website reads: Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary cordially invites the faithful to its Lower Gwynedd campus for an Open House on Sunday, October 13, 1400 Evans Road, Ambler, PA 19002. Tours begin at noon, with the last seminarian-led tour leaving at 2:15 p.m. Light refreshments will be available. All are welcome. More information about the Seminary and the Open House can be found at: Let us continue to pray for our seminarians and their professors and continue to do all we can to promote vocations to the Sacred Priesthood within our own families. St. Joseph, Patron of the Church and our Patron, pray for us!
Rev. Michael J Pawelko, Pastor