My Dear Parishioners,

Our 2022 Parish calendars are available at the Church exits, please take one home with you. The beautiful calendars are gifts from the Louis Swift Plunkett Funeral Home in Hatboro. Thank you to Mr. Jeff Plunkett for this annual gift. If you know a parishioner who has not yet returned to our celebration of public Mass, please consider bringing them a calendar.

I am happy to report that we completely filled all the time slots for the two photography days allotted to us for our Anniversary Photo Directory (Friday and Saturday of this week). The company has now added a third day, Thursday November 18th for additional family portraits. Please go to our parish website or call the rectory to schedule your time. If you are unable to have your photo taken, you can submit a photo to be included in the directory for a fee of $10. This will also entitle you to receive a copy of the Anniversary Directory.

This is the time of year that we would normally have our St. Joseph/St. Robert School Open House. Of course, with the Coronavirus most everything is still different. While not offering a communal Open House, our school is offering private family tours – please call the school to schedule one. Registration is also underway for Pre-K 4 through Eighth Grade for the 2022-2023 school year. Please contact the school at 215-343-5100 or go to

This year we will celebrate Mass on Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 2021. Please note that we have changed the time. Thanksgiving Day Mass will be at 9:00 a.m. There will be only one Mass offered on that day. We will be doing the traditional blessing of bread at this Mass and then distributing it after Mass to be taken to your Thanksgiving Day tables.

A few years ago we offered Christmas cards for sale because I noted that there were not a lot of choices of “religious” Christmas cards in the store. In honor of our 100th Anniversary celebration we have decided to bring them back. We should have them very soon. In addition we will be selling 100th Anniversary coffee mugs and 100th Anniversary Christmas tree decorations, both would make excellent Christmas gifts. A special thank you to the members of the Anniversary Committee for their assistance.

This year our Christmas Mass schedule will be as follows: Mass on Christmas Eve at 4:30, 6:30 p.m., and 12 Midnight. Masses on Christmas Day will be at 7:30, 9:30, and 11:30 a.m. Because Christmas falls on a Saturday this year, there will be no evening Mass for the vigil of Sunday, nor will there be confessions on Saturday afternoon, Dec. 25th. Masses for Sunday, Dec. 26th will be at 7:30, 9:30, and 11:30. Saturday, Jan 1, 2022 is not a Holy Day of Obligation so there will be no vigil Mass on Dec 31st. Masses on Jan 1st will be at 8:00 and 10:00 a.m.

God Bless you,
Fr. Bordonaro
