Special Food Distribution Event and Pro Life Union Mass

My Dear Parishioners,

Next Saturday, July 25th the Coordinating Council of Health and Welfare, or as we know it, the Warminster Food Bank is hosting a special food distribution event.  Their website is https://www.warminsterfoodbank.org.  Unofficially they are calling it “Christmas in July.” This food bank is the place where we take our regular monthly food collection.  This special event is not a collection but rather a distribution.  It will take place in the parking lot of Nativity of Our Lord Church, 605 West Street Road, Warminster, PA on Saturday, July 25th 9am-2pm, or until supplies last, whichever comes first.  This event is being done in partnership with Giant Food Stores.  They will be distributing 500 Hunger Bags to anyone who shows up.  The bags will be similar to those that they usually distribute during the holidays.  Each bag will have:  Chicken Gravy Mix, Cut Yams, Sweet Corn, Chicken Stuffing Mix, Jellied Cranberry Sauce, Cut Green Beans, Crispy Fried Onions, Cream of Mushroom Soup, Premium White Chunk Chicken, and Sliced White Potatoes.  They will provide “drive through/no contact pick up.”  All are welcome, especially anyone with food insecurity, those in need, or those who care for others in need or shut ins.  Some men from our Men’s group have agreed to deliver bags to those who cannot get out.  We are contacting all of our Communion Calls to see if they are interested.  If you know of someone who is interested in receiving one of these food bags but cannot get there, please contact the rectory at 215-672-3020.  If the recipient wishes, the bag can be left at the front door.

On the same day, Saturday, July 25th, 2020 at 8:00 a.m.  The Pro Life Union of Greater Philadelphia is hosting a Mass with Archbishop Perez at the Cathedral Chapel of Sts. Peter and Paul, followed by a procession to Planned Parenthood at 12th and Locust for an Ecumenical Prayer Vigil from 9:15 to 10:30 a.m.  It is an opportunity to stand up for the rights of the unborn in the city of Philadelphia.  Please note that masks are required and social distancing guidelines will be in effect.

God Bless you.
Fr. Bordonaro
