Sacramental Preparation
My Dear Parishioners,
August is the time to look to the future and the resumption of the academic year for both our school and CCD programs. I hope that it has been and continues to be a restful and restorative summer vacation for all of you. In terms of Sacramental Preparation, St. Joseph Parish will continue participating in the combined program with St. Robert Parish as we have in the past. This cuts down on the number of meetings parents have to attend, providing both a good sacramental preparation for parents along with the opportunity to tailor specific instructions and questions to the individual parish situations.
Our Parent Sacramental Prep Class will be on Sunday, Sep. 25, 2022 at 1:00 p.m. here at St. Joseph. The afternoon is arranged so that every parent attends an opening prayer, and then proceeds to the specific class(es) that pertains to their child and their parish. This one afternoon of preparation will take place in our church and in our lower hall. The sessions are for the parents of children receiving Penance & First Holy Communion (3rd Grade), as well as parents of those making Confirmation (7th Grade). Both SJR school parents and St. Joseph CCD parents of children involved will be notified soon. Please note that St. Robert’s parents from both SJR and their CCD classes will also be present.
While you are thinking about the sacraments of your children it is also a good time to remind parents of Confirmation students that you will soon be asked to provide a name of someone to act as a sponsor. A sponsor is someone who witnesses to the faith by the way they live their life. There are certain criteria that the Church uses for these purposes.
- They are 16 years of age or older (and not the parent of the one to be confirmed).
- They are fully initiated as Catholics which means they have received Baptism, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation in the Catholic Faith.
- They demonstrate an acceptance of, and willingness to abide by, the teachings of the Church, which include our marriage regulations (if married – it was celebrated in – or recognized as valid by the Catholic Church), and/or if the prospective sponsor has children, they are educating and forming them in the faith.
- They demonstrate their love and dedication to the faith by going to Sunday Mass weekly and celebrating Penance as needed.
The prospective sponsor will need to get a Letter of Eligibility from the parish where they live and practice their faith. If the sponsor is a member here at St. Joseph, they need to speak with me to receive their certificate. It is always a good idea to give your prospective sponsor enough time to get their letter in case they need to meet with their priest to discuss their situation.
God Bless You!
Fr. Bordonaro
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