Peter’s Pence Collection
My Dear Parishioners,
This week we celebrated graduation from St. Joseph/St. Robert School. Congratulations to all our parish graduates whether you have graduated from Pre-K, Kindergarten, Middle School, Eighth Grade, High School, College, or Post-Graduate studies. We pray for all graduates that they will have God at their side and carry Him with them into whatever the future holds for them. Once again I take the opportunity to thank Mrs. Debbie Jaster and all of our wonderful school faculty, administration, and staff. They always do an excellent job of making St. Joseph / St. Robert School a warm and inspiring place to learn and grow. This past year, in particular, we can be very proud of them for all the hard work and sacrifices made to keep our school open and functioning at such an exceptional level during a very challenging school year. They certainly went “above and beyond.” We also pray that our school teachers and staff will have a restful and restorative summer break and that they will return to us renewed and refreshed. Thank you also to all the parents, assistants, volunteers and aides. We could not run such a fine program without the assistance of active and involved parents, your devotion is admirable.
The Archdiocese asked the parishes to communicate the following letter in advance of the Peter’s Pence Collection.
God Bless You!
Fr. Bordonaro
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
The annual Peter’s Pence Collection provides essential support for the Holy See’s relief efforts around the world activities and helps Pope Francis assist victims of wars, oppression, and natural disaster.
For example, the Pontifical Mission Societies (PMS) share the Gospel and minister to the temporal needs of people in places that the Church designates as mission lands. The individuals in these countries lack access to basic resources and face levels of poverty we cannot imagine. When the COVID-19 pandemic swept across the world, the Holy Father established an emergency fund at PMS to address needs in areas of Latin America, Africa, and Asia where the pandemic posed a grave humanitarian crisis.
Your contribution to Peter’s Pence helps fund numerous initiatives like the one outlined above in addition to many other worthy projects that build up the Church and lift up those most in need. To learn more about the ways in which Peter’s Pence supports the Holy Father’s ministry of mercy, visit (English) or (español).
Please prayerfully consider supporting this year’s collection as an act of mercy and charity. Join our brothers and sisters in faith from around the globe to help Pope Francis carry out his ministry to the Universal Church and reach out to the most marginalized in our world. Thank you and may God bless you abundantly.
Gratefully and with best wishes in Jesus Christ,
+Most Reverend Nelson J. Pérez, D.D.
Archbishop of Philadelphia