My Dear Parishioners,

If you have not yet taken the Disciple Maker Index survey, please go to our parish website and click on the Disciple Maker link. This will help us understand your needs and better serve you. The last day to do this survey is Monday, April 4th. If you took one of the printed surveys, they must be returned to the rectory by the same date.

Next Sunday is Palm Sunday, or sometimes called Passion Sunday. We mark the triumphal entrance of our Lord Jesus Christ into the Holy city of Jerusalem remembering that He was greeted with shouts of joy and adulation and the waving of palm branches as people of that day greeted royalty. The name Passion Sunday refers to the reading of the extended Gospel of the Passion. It is the first time that those coming into our Church hear that Gospel proclaimed at a Mass. It is also the beginning of the most sacred time of our Liturgical year, Holy Week. I invite all of you to make an extra effort to be present to Our Lord at this sacred time.

Our Second Collection today is taken up for the Easter Flowers. Thank you for your generous contributions to help beautify the Church during the Easter Season and beyond. Your envelopes with your prayer intentions written on them will remain on the reredos (back altar) throughout the Octave of Easter. Easter is so important and the most solemn feast in the Church year that we celebrate the one day of Easter for 8 days. The Octave concludes with Divine Mercy Sunday or the Second Sunday of Easter.

We tend to get a lot of extra visitors on Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday. Please be mindful of this when parking in the lots. If we could all be a little more considerate of others, especially when coming to Mass, the parking lot would not be left with large areas open and unable to be used because someone wanted to be the first one out. I know that parking single file can try your patience, but it is a good way to learn for ourselves and to teach our children to put others first.

We are in need of 12 people to volunteer for the “Washing of Feet.” This is a beautifully symbolic ritual at the Holy Thursday, Mass of the Lord’s Supper which is on April 14th at 7:30 p.m. Sign-up sheets are at the back entrances of the Church. It is always nice to get a representative group of people.

God Bless You,
Fr. Bordonaro
