Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion
My Dear Parishioners,
I hope you enjoyed a good Labor Day holiday. Our SJR school children started back to school last week with all of the Archdiocesan guidelines in place.
For the past 4 weeks I have been following the doctor’s advice to stay off my feet as much as possible after my knee surgery. Therefore I have not been able to make my regular Communion calls. I apologize to those who are homebound. I know how much they look forward to receiving Our Blessed Lord in the Eucharist. I am grateful to our “weekend” priests for their help saying the weekday and Sunday Masses and covering for any emergencies, but I cannot ask them to make my monthly communion visits. Some of our Extraordinary Ministers have resumed making home visits and I am grateful to them as well. I want to invite those who have not yet returned to making these visits to consider if now might be the time. If anyone is willing to become an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion and help with distributing Holy Communion both at Mass and to the homebound, please consider serving our community now. In order to be an Extraordinary Minister, one must be fully initiated, (Baptism, Communion, and Confirmation), abiding by the teachings of the Church (if married – in a marriage recognized by the Church, and living by the moral teachings of the Church) and regular in the practice of the faith (attends Sunday Mass and receives the Sacrament of Reconciliation regularly). If you are willing to help with this ministry there is a onetime training that is required, please contact me, call the rectory, or Ann Trotter and let us know.
Our team is also preparing to offer the RCIA or Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults again this year. This is the special program where those who are interested in becoming Catholic, whether they have never been baptized or were raised in another faith, can learn more about our faith and receive the sacraments to become a Catholic. Things will be different this year due to the virus, but please know that we will provide the opportunity to those interested in becoming Catholic or completing their Initiation. If you know someone interested, please have them contact the rectory about attending our Night of Inquiry on Wednesday, September 28th at 7:00 p.m. in classroom 18. No commitment is necessary, the meeting is just to find out what is involved. We will have to abide by all social distancing requirements, and we ask you to wear a mask.
We are also in real need of adults who are interested in our faith and willing to become members of our RCIA Team. You don’t need to be a professional speaker or teacher, but just someone who is in love with our faith and willing to share that with others. This year we will be using a “leader friendly” DVD series.
Team members will show the instructional video and then facilitate some discussion and sharing about the faith. Many times, the leaders tell me that they receive just as much from the work as the candidates and catechumens. If interested in joining our RCIA Team, please call me at the rectory 215-672-3020 and register.
God Bless You!
Fr. Bordonaro
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