40 Hours With A Special “Eucharistic Retreat”
My Dear Parishioners,
As part of our 100th Anniversary celebration, we will celebrate our 40 Hours with a special “Eucharistic Retreat.” Our Homilist for 40 Hours will be Fr. Pio Mandato, FMHJ. Fr. Pio is a Franciscan priest who received his first holy communion from Saint Padre Pio before coming to the USA. He is known for his preaching about St. Padre Pio and the Eucharist. When summarizing his “Eucharistic Retreat” he says, “Jesus’ whole life can be summarized as the offering of Himself in sacrifice on the cross so we could share in deep communion and intimacy with His Father in the Spirit (Hb. 10:12). Three words that synthesize this teaching which is embodied in the Eucharist are presence, sacrifice and communion. These words are the very core of any act of authentic love. The retreat will focus on these Eucharistic realities in the life of the Lord and pray for the grace so we may enter into them.”
Our 40 Hours will be on Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday October 16, 17, and 18. There will be opportunities for confession at 6:00 p.m., the celebration of Evening Prayer and benediction at 7:00 p.m., and on Tuesday, a healing prayer service with the opportunity to be blessed with the glove of St. Padre Pio following Evening Prayer. Please note that we will not have the regular Monday Night Rosary on the 17th.
Please consider purchasing your tickets to our 100th Anniversary Parish Banquet at the Spring Mill Manor on Friday, October 21st. You can purchase them after Sunday Masses, at the rectory, or on our parish website.
The US Bishops have offered the following reflection during the Respect Life month of October. listen to them, seek understanding, and help them obtain the necessities of life for themselves and their children. How can we, like the Blessed Mother, lovingly support mothers in welcoming and caring for God’s gift of life?
Throughout the whole of Scripture, Mary’s words are few. Yet, in her sacred encounter with Elizabeth, a powerful declaration pours from her lips. Mary proclaims to all generations that the Lord lifts up the lowly, fills the hungry with good things, and remembers his promise of mercy from age to age (Lk 1:46-56). In both word and deed, Mary speaks a message of hope—not only to Elizabeth, but also to every mother in need and to each of us.
Mary’s witness is an invitation to step out in love and compassion. It is a summons to make haste to help vulnerable women who may be isolated and alone. By doing so, we too can bear Christ within us and help others experience His presence.
Inspired by the Blessed Mother’s example and guided by the Holy Spirit, may we offer Christ’s presence and love to mothers in their time of need through our faithful service and support.
God Bless You,
Fr. Bordonaro