“In-Pew Weekend” for the 2022 Catholic Charities Appeal
My Dear Parishioners.
Our Parish Casino Night was a great success. So many people told me that they really enjoyed it. It was good to be together and have some fun. A special thank you goes to Mrs. Rita Roley and her team of helpers who sought donations and sponsorships as well as decorated the hall and prepared the raffle baskets and made the whole evening a wonderful experience. We don’t have the final numbers, but we are certainly well on our way to being able to upgrade the kitchen in our hall.
This past Tuesday was the last official day for our CCD classes. I want take this opportunity to thank all those involved with our program. Mrs. Cathy Cain, our Director of Religious Education, does an excellent job organizing all the catechists, volunteers, aides, children, parents and schedules. I want to especially thank all those who helped with this program over the past year. They are dedicated people, many of whom have very busy schedules with work, family, activities and commitments and yet they make time to work with our young people and to share the faith. They show a dedication and love that form the basis of the Gospel. I want to thank them for their service. We simply could not run this program without you. If anyone is interested in joining the team, we can always use the help. Please contact Mrs. Cain at the rectory, or leave a message at the CCD office. I hope the students and catechists enjoy a restful summer and we look forward to seeing you next year.
Next Saturday eight of our young people will be making their First Holy Communion. Please keep them and their families in your prayers so that they will remain close to Jesus as they mature in the faith. I will be inviting them to come to Mass on Sunday wearing their First Communion clothes. If you see them, please congratulate them and encourage them on behalf of the parish.
This week also marks the “In-Pew Weekend” for the 2022 Catholic Charities Appeal; Giving Hope to All. This year our parish goal is $38,677. The goal for the entire Archdiocese is $12.5 million. We are asking you to prayerfully consider your contribution to help reach our goal. For those of you who have given in the past, I sincerely thank you for your generosity and ask you to consider an increase in your gift in thanksgiving for graces received. For those of you who may have never contributed, I invite you to make the effort to do so this year. For us to reach our goal and impact the lives of so many in our area, we are going to need everyone to contribute. We strive to have a heart like Jesus, who has preferential love for the poor and less fortunate. Please place your envelopes in the basket during the offertory, or take one home with you to prayerfully consider your gift. You can mail the envelopes, or bring them back next week and place them in the collection basket.
On behalf of Archbishop Perez, I thank you for your donations and prayers. Your gift affirms all we do in Christ’s name throughout the Archdiocese of Philadelphia.
May God Bless you and your families, Fr. Bordonaro
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