Happy Mother’s Day!

My Dear Parishioners, Happy Mother’s Day! We give thanks to God for the special gift of love He has showered on us in our mothers.  A mother’s love is unlike any other. I hope you enjoy the day celebrating motherhood and families. We remember not only our mothers that are still loving us here on…

May Procession and Mother’s Day

My Dear Parishioners, I want to offer warm congratulations to our young people who received Jesus in Holy Communion for the very first time over the weekend. We have invited our recent First Communicants to come to Sunday Mass this weekend dressed in their First Communion outfits. If you see one of them, please help to…

First Holy Communion

My Dear Parishioners, Please keep our young 3rd graders in your prayers. This Saturday, May 4, 2024 they will be making their First Holy Communion. This is a special time in the spiritual life of a Catholic. We ask that Jesus will stay close to these 15 young people as they take Him into their…

Annual World Day of Prayer for Vocations

My Dear Parishioners, You may have noticed that the statue of St. Joseph near the rectory has been repaired. There still is more work needed on it, but at least St. Joseph had his head for his Feast day. Thank you to all who contributed to the repair. On April 21st, the universal Catholic Church…

Pastoral Council Update

My Dear Parishioners, I want to thank all those who supported our Easter Flower Collection. You helped to pay for the beautiful decorations for our solemn celebrations.  Please know that your intentions will continue to be remembered throughout the entire Easter Season. The envelopes with your intentions written on them will remain on the reredos (back…

A Very Blessed Easter

My Dear Parishioners, On behalf of Msgr. Bolger, Fr. Connors, Msgr. McCoy, myself, and all those who minister and work here at St. Joseph parish I want to wish all of you and your loved ones a very Blessed Easter. We know that Jesus is risen. We have faith that He is alive and with…

Registration Open for St. Joseph Parish Religious Education Program 2024-2025

Registration for St. Joseph Parish Religious Education Program There are a few ways to register your child for the Parish Religious Education Program at St. Joseph Registration is open for the 2024-2025 School Year! To register: Visit the Religious Education office in the school building on Valley road on Tuesdays between 5:30 and 8:00 pm…

Palm Sunday and Holy Week

My Dear Parishioners, Today is Palm Sunday, or sometimes called Passion Sunday. We mark the triumphal entrance of our Lord Jesus Christ into the Holy city of Jerusalem remembering that He was greeted with shouts of joy and adulation and the waving of palm branches as people of that day greeted royalty. The name Passion…

Triduum to St. Joseph

My Dear Parishioners, Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Although the liturgical feast is superseded by the Fifth Sunday of Lent, we can still honor this favorite saint of many. This week we honor two great saints in the Church’s canon. St. Patrick, the Patron saint of Ireland today (Sunday) and on Tuesday we honor our parish…

Welcome Bishop Keith Chylinski

My Dear Parishioners, This week we welcome one of the newly ordained Auxiliary Bishops of Philadelphia, Bishop Keith Chylinski as he administers the sacrament of Confirmation to 13 of our young people on Thursday. Please keep the young people and their families in your prayers. We pray that they will open their hearts to receive…